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T-Ball and Coach Pitch Divisions

Spring Registration Opens December 1. Deadline to register is: January 10th.

The T-Ball Division is recommended for 4-6 YEAR olds to teach the fundamentals of hitting and fielding.    The primary goal is to begin to instruct young players in the fundamentals of baseball in a supportive team environment.

Beginner T-Ball
  • If this if their first season in Tball, this is the division for them, regardless of Tball age.
  • Good option for a 2ND season for Fall ball and for the younger (4 or 5 year old) kids who still struggle to catch a ball thrown to them.
  • Hitting is done from a tee.
  • Focus is on developing basic mechanics tee ball skills of throwing, fielding, and hitting.
  • Low competition environment – All kids make it on base and advance around the bases.
Intermediate T-ball (Spring only)
  • Kids must have at least one previous season of Tball in the beginner league.
  • Kids should be able to throw a Tball and field balls hit to them.
  • Hitting is done from a tee.
  • Focus is on improving basic mechanics tee ball skills of throwing, fielding, and hitting, with an emphasis on developing the ability to catch.
  • Slight elevated competition environment
    • Kids who are out do return to the dugout
    • All kids hit every inning
    • Hits to OF grass are allowed to go 2 bases
    • Hitter to 2B
    • Runners can move 2 bases


  • Any team “scoring” is done by how many outs were gathered defensively and teams are only to compete against themselves and their best game to date
Advanced Coach Pitch T-Ball
  • This is our most advanced level of T-Ball before kids move up to baseball or softball.
  • Kids should have at least two previous seasons of T-ball.
  • Kids should be able to consistently hit off a tee, throw a T-ball, and catch a significant percentage of balls thrown to them.
  • At this level, there is a shift to primarily coach pitch from back at (or near) the pitching rubber, with a tee as a backup after 4 pitches.
  • Focus is on understanding more of the rules of baseball, while honing throwing, catching, fielding and hitting skills.
  • Increased competitive environment  (e.g. returning to dugout on outs, allowing extra bases for hits to the outfield).


  • Any team “scoring” is done by how many outs were gathered defensively and teams are only to compete against themselves and their best game to date

Peachtree offers baseball for girls and boys who live within the district or who are eligible to attend the following schools. Brownsville, Crozet Elem, Henley, Meriwether Lewis, Murray, Nelson, Western and West side of Red Hill. 

Players who will be league age 4-6 this spring can play Tball.  League Age is the age of your child as of April 30th, 2024 (3yr olds who will turn 4 by August can play in the beginner Tball division)  

     To see your child's league age click the Babe Ruth Birth Chart 

Tball/Rookie VP           

Jon Ross 

Tball/Rookie Coaches Rep   

Brodie Downs


Interested in head coaching or assisting a T-ball team? Head over to the Coaches page to learn more!



Are there Tryouts?
There is no tryouts for Tball. 

What age is Tball for?
Tball is for ages  4-6 yrs of age.

What is covered in my registration fee?
Players will receive a dry fit shirt with Peachtree across the front and a MLB replica hat. Parents will need to purchase baseball pants. Typically the team wears white ball pants.

Can my child be on a certain team? 
We try our best to place Tball players on the team that they request but there is no guarantee. If you have a request put it in the comment box during registration. If there is a day during the week your child cannot practice please mark it on the registration form.

How are teams formed? 
Tball Players are placed on a team and do not have evaluations or tryouts.

When will a coach contact me to let me know what team my child is on? 
The head coach will contact you by March 13th. If you have not received an email after that date, please email Cheryl Madison @ she can let you know what team your child is on and contact the coach to see why she/he has not called. Sometimes it is the wrong number etc..

When will the games be? 
Tball will have games only on Saturdays. 

What time will practice start?
The head coach determines practice time.

How often are practices?
Tball teams will have one practice during the week. Field availability is also taken into consideration when scheduling practice.

What will my child need? 
Tball players will need a glove, cleats, and ball pants.  A helmet and tball bat are also recommended. The league does provide each team with a helmet. If you need to borrow a bat please contact Andrew  Giordano at The league provides a jersey and a MLB hat. Bats must be marked with a USA stamp.